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Since the early 90s, we are under the trend of "smooth body", the notorious "no shave". Epilation in any way causes damage to the skin, provided they are used "quality products" and services professionals.

The hairs can be removed in various ways, since the complete elimination until its removal for 30 to 40 days.

Within the concept of "wellness" and "satisfaction" for its clients, Wild Thermas developed its service waxing, using the best and most appropriate products, totally disposable.

The customer can choose from the methods "without pain", "trimming" and "shaving" until the proper and efficient method of waxing hot.

Of course, the client must know that trim or shave their hair vai lead in just eliminate them for a short period of time, then they come back with the same force and vitality before, while waxing hot, will eliminate them for a longer period of time, with greater efficiency, and the possibility to weaken them, some of them being eliminated outright.

Prices for hair removal:


Body Clean (Back, abdomen/chest and shoulders) R $ 85.00
Legal Hygiene (Waxing on the buttocks, anus and groin) $ 65.00
Legal Hygiene + Trimming (Legal Hygiene + Trimming the pubes and scrotum) $ 80.00
Total Hygiene (Waxing on the buttocks, anus, groin, pubes and scrotum) $ 110.00
Trimming (Trim anus and buttocks) $ 20.00
Trimming (Trim groin, pubes and scrotum) $ 20.00
Beard (wax) R$ 60,00

Roll on Waxing Shoulder, back, buttocks, arms, hand, chest, abdomen, legs and feet.

Standard Waxing Anus, groin, scrotum, pubis and armpits

Body parts:

Depilation (wax) | Trimming (cutting the hair with machine) | Shaving (unhairing with blade)
Part of the body Waxing Trimming Shaving
Anus $ 30.00 $ 15.00 R $ 20.00
Armpits R $ 25.00 $ 5.00 $ 10.00
Arms + Hands $ 45.00 $ 15.00 R $ 20.00
Whole Body R $ 270.00 $ 100.00 R $ 150.00
Back R $ 40,00 $ 15.00 R $ 20,00
Scrotum $ 30.00 $ 15.00 R $ 20.00
Buttocks $ 30.00 $ 15.00 R $ 20.00
Nose or ears $ 15.00 - -
Shoulder R $ 25.00 $ 5.00 $ 10.00
Leg + Feet $ 60.00 R $ 20.00 $ 25.00
Pubis $ 30.00 $ 15.00 R $ 20.00
Thorax + Abdomen $ 45.00 $ 15.00 R $ 20.00
Groin $ 30.00 $ 15.00 R $ 20.00